Day Thirty (Woo-Hoo!)

Today is my cousin David's birthday.

The key things to know about David are:

1. When he was a teenager his wallpaper was the map of the world and my sister and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

2. He has always had the most amazing record collection and makes a great mix tape

3. He has never, to my knowledge, met a tuna sandwich he didn't like

4. He lives in a town called Tedburn St. Mary in Devon, England, where there are only two pubs, and the one you choose to drink at defines you - sort of like the Bloods and the Crips.


Q: So, Amy we have spent the entire month together and all you want to do is drone on and on about your boring cousins and their boring birthdays.  Who cares about wallpaper in Thornhill circa 1978?

A: You have a point. But on the other hand, if I didn't have cousins and they didn't have birthdays, I don't know that we could have made it through NaBloPoMo by the skin of our teeth with the facility and aplomb that we did.

Q: We want to know what your reflections are on this month of blogging.  Because we read them all, and to tell you the truth, they weren't all funny.

A: First of all thank you for reading them all. Your loyalty means the world to me.  I have a few reflections. Mainly, I am relieved that it's over, it was a lot of pressure.  Second, while it was a fun challenge and I'm happy I accomplished it, I am not sure that from a quality point of you there was anything great. I sort of feel like its the same number of good ones that we always see with an above average amount of blah blah blah below average material.

Q: I sent you some ideas and you didn't write about them
A: Thank you - really, I need all the help I can get.  Your stories are coming soon, don't worry.

Q:What is next for you, Amy?
A: I have big, big plans. La Petite Vie DVD Boxed Set.  Canada Reads finalists reading list.  And of course, I am sure a cousin somewhere will have a birthday I will have to attend.

Day Thirty (Woo-Hoo!) Day Thirty (Woo-Hoo!) Reviewed by Rahul Mittal on November 30, 2013 Rating: 5

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