It's like Netflix but for Magazines

Friend at work has brought a lot of joy to my life and once she even brought me a David's Tea.

Tells me that there is an unbelievable new app that gives you unlimited access to over 100 magazines for the flat rate of $14.99 a month.

They are currently offering a 60 day free trial.

Sounds too good to be true but I'll bite.

Download the app.

Enter your name and password.

I try a million possible combinations, nothing works.

Google Next Issue.

Oh I had to register.

Makes sense.

Input all the relevant info including my credit card.

Go onto app.

Still not working. Fall asleep unfulfilled.

6:52am roll over and grab iPad leap out of bed.

Go back to registration page.

Look at the email address I entered.  Oh no I didn't.

Instead of amyfish I entered amtfish.

This app is fabulous in every way except one.  They don't send you an email to validate that the info you (I) gave them is correct.

They also don't have a mechanism to change your email address once you've entered it.

So now this fabulous app is attached - with my credit card - to an incorrect email address.

And some lucky woman named amtfish is going to be reading all about this season's shoes while I am left in the dust with back issues of National Geographic.

Hey wait a second.  Maybe Ms amtfish isn't as smart as we think.  Maybe she is one of the eleven people left on earth who doesn't yet have a gmail account.

I will get the amtfish email address so that I can access my Next Issue account.

Great news.

Plan worked.

I love the app and don't want to lose it so I need you to work with me on this.

So if anyone asks my name is amt.

It's like Netflix but for Magazines It's like Netflix but for Magazines Reviewed by Rahul Mittal on December 11, 2013 Rating: 5

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