Wanted to do a funny series about how to stop your kids from complaining this summer.
Hint: You can't actually STOP kids from complaining, but you can make it less painful.
Plan was to interview unexpected people.
(Example: For column on "You Don't Listen to Me", interview hearing specialist.)
Problems Encountered:
1. The pieces didn't really work
Possible Reasons:
1. Too long
2. Too boring
3. People didn't get the joke (e.g., why would you interview a hearing specialist for a column on listening?)
4. Too much else going on in the world (e.g., let's make fun of American Presidential Candidates, Who Cares about the kids)
5. Timing (kids are away for the summer, pass the tequila)
Other Problems Encountered:
1. Interviewees bailed at last minute
2. Didn't have a Plan B, C, etc
End Result (half-empty):
1. Three columns at her Magazine, pathetic and alone
2. Excellent interviewees may screen my future calls
3. Social Media makes everything worse
End Result (half-full):
1. Learned from mistakes re: need to book more interviewees next time
2. Gained experience in interviewingthose that showed up
3. Generated additional content which can always be used later
4. Topic for today's blog
Nu, already, so where can I read these columns?
1. here
2. here
3. And here
Hint: You can't actually STOP kids from complaining, but you can make it less painful.
Plan was to interview unexpected people.
(Example: For column on "You Don't Listen to Me", interview hearing specialist.)
Problems Encountered:
1. The pieces didn't really work
Possible Reasons:
1. Too long
2. Too boring
3. People didn't get the joke (e.g., why would you interview a hearing specialist for a column on listening?)
4. Too much else going on in the world (e.g., let's make fun of American Presidential Candidates, Who Cares about the kids)
5. Timing (kids are away for the summer, pass the tequila)
Other Problems Encountered:
1. Interviewees bailed at last minute
2. Didn't have a Plan B, C, etc
End Result (half-empty):
1. Three columns at her Magazine, pathetic and alone
2. Excellent interviewees may screen my future calls
3. Social Media makes everything worse
End Result (half-full):
1. Learned from mistakes re: need to book more interviewees next time
2. Gained experience in interviewing
3. Generated additional content which can always be used later
4. Topic for today's blog
Nu, already, so where can I read these columns?
1. here
2. here
3. And here
A Plan That Didn't (Really) Work
Reviewed by Rahul Mittal
August 20, 2016

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