Listening to Seat of the Soul on audiobook and agreeing with the idea of setting intentions. Plus heard Oprah talking about it and it sounded motivational although she might have been reading her grocery list I would follow that woman anywhere.
Perfect timing it's January I'll set an intention for 2017.
This will be the year of Dropping the Subject.
One of my many bad habits is that I will go on about something long. Long. Long. Long. After. It's. Over.
Now I have to try.
No matter what happens.
I can't keep bringing up the same story over and over.
Like for example laundry on the floor.
Once I've mentioned it once, I can't keep going on about the laundry.
And you know, picking it up. And possibly throwing it into the laundry basket. And putting clean clothes away.
Because I've already mentioned it.
So now it's over.
The word laundry will not leave my lips.
Dirty clothes can sit, mouldering and festering on the hardwood all over my house, and you will not hear a peep from me.
I will just step over all the pizza patterned American Eagle underwear in the world. Hoodies left and right and not a word. Not saying I'll like it. But I won't nag. I mean well I can nag once. But only once. Then I will just drop the subject.
Like this?
It's dropped.
Like a wet towel. On the bathroom floor.
Lips Are Sealed
Reviewed by Rahul Mittal
January 13, 2017

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